One breezy evening I asked a friend a question saying "how is life treating you?", he replied "not fair". I said to him "it shouldn't be, if life is 100% fair, what do you think will be the outcome?". He sighed "hmm".
     In the morning the next day I remembered the question that I asked him. Few things rushed to my mind which was the last statement "if life is 100% fair,  what do you think will be the outcome?".
1. Confusion: You will be confuse, why? Because when everything is fair, equal, no greater than, no challenge, everything moves smoothly, of course everything will have every imagination you want, the same similarities etc. At this point there are no disadvantages. You will be confuse at what to choose as everything is the same.
2. Greediness:  In the sense of all things being fair, there is no logical thinking, no hard work, no justified input.  Human efforts are not considered as everything in life is now fair.  People become greedy, they will start developing the mentality to take all before a second and third persons come before them.
3. Insanity of life: Life will not make sense at this point. People won't have anything to learn, no lesson, no respect, no story to tell,  no achievement, nothing to be proud of.
    Therefore life shouldn't be fair.  Let the challenges, difficulties build you into the best of you. The problems are there to elevate you and not to destroy you. Everything we encounter in life has something to offer. Focus on making life what you want it to be for you rather than waiting for life to be fair or to give you it's own.


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