Like every other girl in town, I had always aspired to have all the good things of life. I didn't pay much attention to how those great people I heard and read about got to their destination of greatness. I saw it as a stressful lane to travel to. I was talented at playing the guitar, it was my best friend. I just wished that there was nothing like hard work and responsibility. My parents supported me financially, attended to all my necessary and unnecessary needs so that I could have a successful life in the future, in high school my friends were available to cover up for me such as to write assignments for me, things moved sweetly smooth. But one thing these people(parents,friends) never taught me was to "be responsible." I ended up in a mess. I got bad grades in high school. And these really affected me after graduation as I got no job. I cried bitterly. I was at my lowest point of life. On my bed, I picked a pen and a paper and wrote down what I would have done to cross the hurdle and make it big in life.
To take responsibility over our choice of field of life is what straighten our path to success. Desiring to be successful is not enough but being responsible is what proves how strong your desire for success is. Being responsible is like choosing to be the creator of your destiny, the artist of your masterpiece, the architect of your life. Take full responsibility for your success and progress in life. Success is an individual and personal effort. Don't expect people to do what you ought to do for yourself. Cultivate a spirit of excellence. Put your best in all that you do. Always strive to make a difference wherever that you are.
No excuse is suitable to be given as reasons why you shouldn't make it big in life. It is awkward on how people tend to blame their parents, sponsors, spouses etc of their choice of careers, decisions over their lives. Circumstances are so tight, people are too busy to help you get to the right track of success. You can easily be discouraged than to be encouraged therefore encourage yourself. You alone know what you want and how you want it. Do something for yourself that will be a great honor to you. The power to make right or wrong decisions is in your hands. Don't expect people to understand how you feel about your failure. With determination, accountability and persistence you will get to the highest destination in life that you have ever dreamed of. No matter how you think they know what your problem is, they don't know it more than you do instead they will say what they think according to the level of their mere understanding and according to what they see which has a shallow fact. But inside of you, you are the only one who see the big picture.No matter the efforts people make toward your dream, it is your decision that will determine if those efforts will bear fruits or die. Success come to you when you choose not to blame, when you fight against self-pity, when you commit yourself to actualize your ambitions in life.
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